Get to Know Malorye

Get to know me! 

Hi! My name is Malorye McCormick, I am 20 years old and I live in Nashville, TN, but I am from Bartlesville, OK! 

Favorite Verse.

My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 18:2 “A fool has no desire to learn, instead they would rather give their own opinion.”

As a follower of Christ, I recognize that my lifelong position is that of a student. Learning is something dear to me and I always want to strive to be someone who is teachable and not hardened by my thoughts and opinions. I’d rather be broken down by the word than unable to apply it to my life!

What am I up to?

I’m currently in my second year of college at the Institute for G.O.D. Int'l, I am double majoring in Biblical Studies and Community Development with minors in Theology and counseling. I have gained tools from my education at the institute which have equipped me to read the word in a way that I never have before! Over the past 2 years, I have been changed in so many ways by the education that I have received. Right now I am developing in my childhood educational skills as I get to work at The Academy for G.O.D. The gift of education has greatly impacted my life and I hope to become a spiritually mature individual who can give the gift of education that I have been given to others all around the world. 

Fun facts about me.

Writing, baking, crafting, and drawing, are all outlets that I regularly access! Creating is a big interest of mine! 

I LOVE the Lord of The Rings movies and tend to reference them at random times. 

I live by a very strict policy; Wooden spoons do not go in the dishwasher! 

How can people be praying for you? 

Please pray for a steadfast and confident spirit to be instilled in me this summer! A leader in my church community recently reminded me of Moses’s calling in Exodus 3 & 4. He highlighted how Moses was initially held back by his insecurities. Nevertheless, the Lord used Moses for a great purpose. Please pray that I can submit myself to the Lord’s calling on my life, recognizing that He will provide for me what I need and help me in this process of becoming a spiritually mature adult who can further the Lord’s kingdom even in a different culture! Please also pray for me to be discerning of the Lord's voice throughout the trip, focusing on what is true and being sensitive to God's voice! 

What is your hope for this trip? 

My hope for this trip is that I will become more aware of the person the Lord is developing me to be. I recognize that as a young person, I don't know a lot about my strengths or limits. My hope is that as I am challenged in different ways this summer, I can be open to seeing the gifts the Lord has given me and understand my role in the body of Christ, as Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 12. I also hope to establish stronger relationships with our cooperatives in Uganda and be even more united in the spirit with them.


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