Get to Know Gabby

My name is Gabriella Lasater, I am nineteen years old and I am from Brentwood, TN! 

Why are you going? 

- I am going on this trip because I know that God wants to continue teaching and educating me in His word. Additionally, I aim to grow in my leadership skills and continuing to deepen friendships with my Ugandan age mates. I have a strong desire to use this trip to learn more about how God wants to use my gifts to serve my friends on the team, and draw closer to him. 

What is this mission?

- I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to embark on my third trip abroad through Global Outreach Developments Int'l (GOD), a non-profit organization based in Nashville.. Last summer, I went on an internship with GOD. During that time, we spent a 2 week intensive training and service week in Nashville, TN where we prepared our hearts, minds, and physical bodies for all the people we were about to go and serve alongside, or serve! 

We then went on a mission trip to Moorestown, TN where we are partnered with a local church. We spent a day putting on a kids camp, spending time with the youth and church members, and local kids around the Moorestown community. We fellowshipped together, worshipped together, and developed incredible friendships. 

Finally, we ended out our trip by embarking to Uganda, Africa for 2 weeks. Our trip was jam packed with service projects, youth conferences, teaching in elementary schools, visiting men and women in jail, going to local churches and so much more! This trip completed changed my perspective on life, and how I understand how God wants me to serve his people. 

This summer, I have been blessed with the opportunity to do this trip again, but with a different role. I am now going to be a junior leader on this upcoming trip, which gives me venues to continue to be educated in God's word, but also grow in my leadership skills. But with that being said.... the sum amount of this trip is great. That means that I need your help for me to get there! Even if it is $5, or $100, everything and anything is so helpful!

Get to know you:

- Favorite Food- dumplings

- Fav Bible verse - 

Exodus 15:2 "The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him." 

- Fun fact about me..... I have been doing dance since I was 4 years old, and now I am a hip-hop and ballet dance teacher!

Mission Skillset:

- Administrative and Organizational Skills 

- Educational/ Youth Development 

How can people pray?

- Please pray that God would be able to move in and through me, and the entire team going to Africa! We will be spending time in schools, putting on youth conferences and so much more. Pray that God would be present with us during this trip! 


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