Get to Know Ty


How can people be praying for you? 

 I could use prayers for confidence in the Lord's path on this trip. I want to grow up relying on him and hearing his voice when he calls. This means being willing to drop my agenda or other agendas if I feel him calling me. So I could use some prayers of discernment and confidence.

What is your hope for this trip? 

  I hope to find direction with God's calling on my life. I would like to go to the Philippines. However, I want God to be the one who directs my path, so I hope that this trip can be enlightening for my future path in the institute. I would love to feel like I also made some lasting impact. Whether through a work project, youth opportunity, or anything the Lord sets in front of me, I am excited about the challenge and pray God will give me discernment throughout.

  I am also hopeful that my friendships will be developed and new ones will be formed. This time, when we are pressed to lean on the Lord for strength, we will be forced to grow as we are in it together. This pressing will allow for deeper friendships to form. The most exciting opportunity is meeting Barnabas in person for the first time. He was in my academy class for two years, and I cannot wait to see him when we finally get there finally get there.

Favorite Bible Verse: 

1 Peter 4:8

"Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins."

Fun Fact: 

  I greatly enjoy problem-solving; from puzzles to math, I enjoy the challenge. I hope to develop that during the trip in an applicable and impactful way.


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