Learning Through Times of Study and Worship

by Isaiah Aaseby

Journal Prompt:

What is one major lesson or thing God is teaching you so far this week? How have you found yourself tested, and what has your response been like? Can you connect that to the Bible Studies we’ve been having?

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One major lesson I have been learning is what it means or looks like to be united with the LORD and filled with his Spirit. My sensitivity to the LORD is expanding as he is revealing himself and filling me in other ways than I initially experienced, such as personal check-markers that clued me to believe and know I was connected to the LORD.

This has been tested through times of worship and prayer, where the personal check-markers were not checked but my teammates through times of praying for them would tell me how the LORD told them the same thing last night or testify to how I was answering others prayers through my discernment.

The LORD has been growing the way I am experiencing him and maturing my faith. This is connected to a Bible Study we had on Luke 4. Verse 1 notes he is “full of the Holy Spirit.” This isn’t demonstrated through an emotion, but through responding to his current life moments by living out the word of God and articulating it. The LORD is helping me to experience him in new ways outside of my previous boundaries, and for that I am THANKFUL.


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