Ty - Update 2: Morristown Blog


This weekend was an incredible experience for us all. So much happened from incredible times of worship to fellowship with the Morristown leaders. But what I would like to testify to is God’s work in me with speaking.

It is well known that I hate public speaking and presentations. So when we found out we would be presenting to the leaders a presentation we had just created over the past 2ish days, one would think I’d be anxious or stressed. But I felt none of that. I felt confident we were about to deliver these people good info that could really help.

When we got there we had no idea who was going when. All we knew is they’d all be delivered over the next 3 days. And I would be delivering that night. Before it was announced, I could already feel we were about to go first. And I was perfectly okay with that. We got up there, I’d say our group kicked it off well, and I spoke with no anxiety. It was incredible and a testimony to the work the Lord has already done in me this trip in five days.


River - Update 2: Morristown Blog


Elijah - Update 2: Morristown Blog