River - Update 2: Morristown Blog

The Lord has already been teaching me so much, I can’t believe that it’s only day six! I feel renewed by the joy of the Lord, and I am learning how to use that joy to benefit the body. I met a man named Marcos during the Morristown retreat, and some of the things he told me really blessed me. When he learned my name was River he looked me in the eyes and said, “The River will never stop flowing, it will be an overflowing blessing for everyone!” I’m learning how to stay calm and at peace in any situation. I can’t wait for what the Lord shows me next. Although it’s been difficult at times, I’m proud to say that this trip has been already filled with testimonies to how those difficulties were overcome!


Zeke - Update 2: Morristown Blog


Ty - Update 2: Morristown Blog