Elijah - Update 2: Morristown Blog

Overall, Morristown was a wonderful and joyous experience. I was nervous at first, however I began to see the fruit of my labor.

For context, we (Walt, Merci, Ty, and Justice) created a presentation about how our Bible study is structured so that the leadership at Morristown could utilize this knowledge for their own use. This was an incredible experience. I felt confident in what I spoke about, as well as a feeling of authority over the topic. This was the most confident I’ve ever felt as a public speaker.

Additionally, a moment I had during worship was one I’ll never forget. I felt led by the Lord to pray over one of the pastors of the church in Morristown, named Zenaida. I remember feeling like I didn’t know how to even pray for her or what to say. I went over to her in obedience and faith, and so many words came out about her, the church, and her community. There was so much passion and conviction to continue.

I feel so hopeful for this church and know God is going to do so much.


Ty - Update 2: Morristown Blog


Jenna - Update 2: Morristown Blog