Jenna - Update 2: Morristown Blog

The weekend of the Morristown portion was absolutely amazing! We ended up stopping in Gatlinburg at a resort instead of going to the actual city of Morristown, but all of the pastoral leaders from the sister church in Morristown came! It turned out to be a retreat for the leaders that was kind of set up like a conference. All of us interns had been working on compiling information to build procedures on each of the 7 essential functions that make up the Community Church for G.O.D. and turning them into a presentation. We finished them on the bus ride over and ended up presenting them that night and the next day! It was absolutely eye-opening to know that we were able to help educate an entire group of pastoral leaders so that they can implement them in their own church body! It was always just a nice, simple saying to me to hear that we make history and change the world, but to see it played out was a totally different experience for me. It helped me to see how the Lord can use me even though I’m young and to realize the impact my Biblical education has had on me in just one year (evidence that God’s Word is truly life-changing)! Watching them soak in the information was so special to me, and hearing their testimonies after it was over was so impactful! I’m so glad I got to be a part of this past weekend, and I can’t wait for the rest of the Nashville portion!


Elijah - Update 2: Morristown Blog


Malorye - Reflections on Morristown Retreat