Submitting to the Father

by Chris Jones

Journal Prompt

“What is one major lesson or thing that God is teaching you so far this week? How have you found yourself tested, and what has your response been like? Can you connect that to the Bible Studies we’ve been having?”

My Thoughts

He [Jesus] was not only submissive to his physical parents, but to the Father in heaven. Not knowing where their son is, is pretty nerve wracking. For perspective, I snuck into my friends van during a carpool exchange. I was gone for between 15-30 minutes. My mom was fueled with mixed emotions. 

Jesus was gone for 3 days. Verse 48 says when his parents saw him, they were astonished. I learned that this term “astonished” in this context meant something totally different. I was thinking jaw dropping, surprised, amazed. It was more of a feeling of betrayal. His mother asked, “why have you treated us so?” This impacted me, because Jesus was so young he wanted to learn. Although Jesus was omniscient (all knowing), he increased in wisdom and in status in favor with God and man (v52). 


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