A Daughter of Christ

by Christen Jones

Christen worships next to her husband Steven.

Journal Prompt

“What is one major lesson or thing that God is teaching you so far this week? How have you found yourself tested, and what has your response been like? Can you connect that to the Bible Studies we’ve been having?”

My Thoughts

A major lesson that God is teaching me is that you have to know who God is to learn who you are. I really see God revealing himself to me through the people I interact with and the things we are learning in the Bible. Because we were created in God’s image, we represent Him in everything we do. Because we are His children we have the responsibility of carrying and representing His name. That means I can have a confidence in who I am, being a daughter of Christ. 

This week there have been a few times where insecurities have come into my mind and I would try to replace it with truth but insecurity would wedge its way back in. Then one of my service projects the next day I got to be with the one and only Anna Jones. She encouraged me so much and spoke to me about things I was being insecure about but I haven’t even told her yet. I am so grateful to have her as my sister and friend! 

We have been learning about how we were not meant to be alone; God made man first and then he saw that he needed a companion. We need others because we cannot look at ourselves. Even through a mirror, it is still just a reflection. We need our brothers and sisters to look at us and to tell us what we can’t see by ourselves. 

I am so grateful and blessed to have this opportunity where I get to learn more about my friends and develop relationships that reflect God’s love. I see God’s love and kindness through this group and I can’t wait to serve with them and show His love to others with them. 


Leaning on God


Submitting to the Father