Lesson on Hospitality

by Amelia Harrison

Amelia Harrison shares a meal hosted by Shaun and Candace Galford with fellow interns, Steven and Christen Jones

Journal Prompt

“What have you learned about the value of hospitality from being in people’s homes this week?”

My Thoughts

I have learned a lot about hospitality this week and just how far it stretches beyond meeting basic needs. Between meals at a variety of homes and people even letting us shower and host us overnight in their homes, I have unfailingly found the quality time together to be the most impactful. 

The people who have invited us into their homes have all be so intentional to share what the Lord has done in their lives and given us opportunity to share what he’s done in ours. These stories of faith and the works of the Lord are so energizing and fill me up to continue on with my day. All those who have welcomed us have showed me that hospitality is so much more than what is physically being given. 


Submitting to the Father


Learning Through Times of Study and Service