Morristown Mission

Journal Prompt

What is a moment you want to remember from your trip to Morristown?

My Thoughts

Morristown was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I’m kind of sad that we only got to stay there for one full day, but the time that we did get to spend there was spent well and to the fullest. Something that I really liked observing and that was close to my heart was the connection between the Institute partnering with the Morristown church. It was so special to see two very different groups come together and unite as one body in Christ! I realized that language barriers cannot stop God’s love from spreading, and different cultures and cultural backgrounds cannot stop people in Christ from unifying together. 

One event that took place that I will never forget was becoming best friends with a younger girl named Esme. She is the sweetest girl ever and I miss her a lot already. She got to teach me new things about Hispanic culture, and we just became besties from the start. I'm not really used to being around kids often because I’m an only child and there aren’t many kids in my neighborhood or school. But meeting the children from Morristown and playing games with them in general was so memorable. I really wish that we could’ve stayed longer in that town. The people there love God so much and they love one another.


Morristown Mission


Morristown Mission