Morristown Mission

Journal Prompt

What is a moment you want to remember from your trip to Morristown?

My Thoughts

The time that I spent in Morristown is a time that I don’t want to forget. We weren’t there for a lot of time but every minute that we had was well spent and not wasted. Specifically the moment that I want to hold onto is the time that we spent with our host family. From the second that we met them they were very caring for us and were very generous with their hospitality. We were so thankful that they wanted to house us. We got the opportunity to have some coffee and muffins with them the night that we arrived. 

Speaking with them was very life giving. I had to translate for them because the hosts did not speak English and Blake and Walt didn’t speak Spanish. I usually don’t like speaking too much Spanish because I don’t feel like I speak it too well, but it was different this time. I felt blessed and thankful that I could be the one to share their stories with Blake and Walt. Our hosts shared powerful stories about how God had strengthened their faith. For me to speak and share their stories was powerful. 

There were many testimonies shared of how God never left their side and was always working in their lives even when they couldn’t see it. I felt like my faith was strengthened because I needed to hear those stories for the moment I was in. There are times when I feel like I don’t see the work that God is doing but their stories were an encouragement to me that God is always watching us and he will be with us in the hard times. To see that language wasn’t a barrier and that the two cultures could interact and enjoy each other shows how God can bring his children together. 


SLAM Week Impact


Morristown Mission