First Impressions

Journal Prompt

How was your first day? What stood out to you?

My Thoughts

I am feeling content and joyful as I write this blog post. Everything is quiet in this room and we just were given the opportunity to journal so I feel like my brain has been organized and is ready to present the things it learned. 

My first day was really good. We did a lot of different activities and logistical tasks, as well as gathered for worship and teaching from Mr. Garner. I enjoyed the orientation portion of the day because of the energy of the leaders and other students. We were all so excited to start this internship and begin the process of being refined and pruned by the Lord. 

There were two times in the day that stood out to me in particular as I think back now, the first was the soccer game that me and my team played against Institute alumni. We got creamed. But I think that it was a beautiful setting for us to begin to communicate and work out our team dynamic as well as be corrected in our ignorance and inexperience. A big lesson I learned from the game was the importance of communicating the goal of the activity between your team so that we all would know what to work for and focus on. Whether it was winning the game, developing communication and our team dynamic, having a goal for how many passes we needed to complete, etc. Having a common communicated goal is so important. 

They second time that stood out to me from today was the Bible Study that Mr. Garner taught on Luke 2. I am still digesting the new point of views and lessons that he shared with us. I am so blessed to be able to have my summer starting out in this way, with teaching and worship and life lessons filling my days. I feel content.



