
Journal Prompt

Write about an impactful worship time you have had.

My Thoughts

Throughout the entire Summer Internship, the worship has been amazing. If I could describe the sessions in one word, they would be liberating. In all the sessions, I’ve either felt really moved or come to some sort of revelation about worship in itself, prayer, or even myself. The Lord has really been utilizing this time to unite His people. I don’t think this would have happened for myself if it hadn’t been for that first worship session. At first, I was extremely hesitant. I then went to the back where Ben Reese prayed that I could find the liberty to worship how I worship. After that everything changed. I felt a sensation I couldn’t contain and I was laughing and crying, rolling and jumping, and screaming and singing. That first session really opened me up to worship as freely and emotionally as I could. It didn’t matter what was happening around me, I could worship God as myself in a way that He deserved. He’s so good to us and deserves every part of us, so I’ve made that resolve to give that to Him including in times of worship.




First Impressions