
Journal Prompt

Write about an impactful worship time you have had.

My Thoughts

About 2 nights ago during a time of worship, I was struggling at first to engage the Lord and the words we were singing about him and to him because I was in some sort of funk. I had gotten real in my head earlier in the day and felt unheard. Sometimes there are those days when it feels like everything you say people just don’t hear you and you start wondering am I just too quiet, or do people hear me and just aren’t responding? What’s the deal-ee-o here? So needless to say, when it came time for worship I was singing and just felt like it wasn’t good, like I was doing everything wrong and the Lord helped me realize that I was worshiping with the goal of changing my feelings about my moment and that I was using my feelings as a judge of what was good or bad. The Lord reminded me of his word and how we have to choose joy despite our circumstances. Whenever we are in those funks because of insecurities or deep hurt that keeps surfacing, or all the social-emotional challenges we have to choose to think about what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:4-8). 

When the Lord reminded me of this, it didn’t make it easier to jump or sing with everything I had and it didn’t change the way I felt right away but it shifted my focus off of me and what I thought I didn’t have and put my focus on God and all he has given me and how he can help me to be content. He does hear me and he is teaching me and my friends to hear one another like he hears us so we can reinforce the truth for one another that God loves us, hears us, walks with us, and is our reason to rejoice no matter the circumstance. 



