
Journal Prompt

Write about an impactful worship time you have had.

My Thoughts

I will say that all the worships that we have done are so meaningful. Some songs have moved me like the song “I call you answer." When we sang this song, I heard a voice saying that Jesus gives life. The way it came was that Jesus does not just give life in general but that he brings life when things seem dead. Also, I was moved yesterday when Mr. Garner sang the song that says “follow you into the homes of the broken.” The reason why this was significant is because I was thinking that sometimes we feel like we do not want to do anything and this song reminded me of Jesus and that I have to commit myself again in following and saying yes to Jesus to work with him in serving other people’s lives. I like the part that says “I’ll follow you into world.” When I proclaimed this word I was like I am making a commitment!



