
Journal Prompt

Write about an impactful worship time you have had.

My Thoughts

Last night was the second night of SLAM. It started out with prayer in small groups and I was with 4 students from the Academy for G.O.D., Kiah, Elim, Violet, and Tony. While we were praying I felt the Lord so near to us. He felt closer than I have felt him this whole trip. I knew he cared about the heavy things we were praying through, and that as we lifted one another up to him, he was going to take care of us and listen. After prayer we worshiped and I just kept thanking the Lord. As I was showing gratitude I felt that I needed to be vulnerable about the things that I wanted to grow in, ways I need the Lord to show up, and ways that he has been faithful to me. So I started praying through all those things as we worshiped. I asked the Lord to bring to mind one specific thing about him that I need to remember and hold onto during this trip. As I was praying, the words good father just kept repeating over and over again in my mind. As I was remembering specific times I've seen him show up and be the good father that I know he is, we started singing the song “good good father.” It was too much in this moment. I was so overwhelmed and felt reassured that he truly is my good father who loves me and has called me into a relationship with him. It was a powerful time of surrendering myself and allowing Jesus to have authority over specific areas of my life and to wash over me. I was so thankful for the way the spirit was moving in me and the people around me. God is so faithful to meet us in our moments of weakness and vulnerability. I pray I can hold on to this moment. That I will remember God does speak and draw near to us as we cry out longing for him.


SLAM Week Impact

