
Journal Prompt

Write about an impactful worship time you have had.

My Thoughts

Two days ago, we started SLAM. That was the same day that marked my mom’s passing. It has been 5 years since my mom passed away, and that day was full of emotions. I went into SLAM ready to serve, but also feeling a lot of weight knowing what day it was. As I entered into the worship time, the first people I saw in the audience were my two little brothers. I quickly walked over to them and my older sister Liv followed behind me. As the worship time started and we were about 3 songs in, I deeply felt the Lord trying to tell me that I needed to go and pray for my little brothers, so I went. I walked over to my brother Caleb and prayed for him, and it felt like every word I said was a quote from scripture, or something that the Lord was prompting me to say. 

After I was done, Caleb just said “thank you” and gave me the biggest hug. I then saw my brother Joshua with his head down, sitting on his knees and praying. I walked over to him and did the same thing. I started praying, and it felt like God was again, telling me exactly what to say. I ended my prayer and with tears in his eyes, Joshua lifted his head and hugged me. He thanked me for praying for him. This moment in worship was so extremely impactful. I felt God use me to help my brothers feel his presence and rely on him. I loved being able to have this worship time, and I am so thrilled for so many more to come as I continue serving on internship.


First Impressions


First Impressions