First Impressions

Journal Prompt

How was your first day? What stood out to you?

My Thoughts

I’ve already learned so much and it’s only the first day of internship. The types of lessons we learned tied in with the trip to Uganda very closely. Something that I really appreciated and that stood out to me was the amount of intentionality that the people here put into this so far. One thing that stood out to me that I learned was that during the trip and in general, being able to be aware of our surroundings is crucial not only in order for things to run more smoothly throughout the trip, but also to be able to get to have the experiences and have it be tattooed on our minds and on our hearts. I will say, the first day was pretty exhausting, but I’m praying that the Lord is with me and here to guide me through all the trials I will go through.


First Impressions


First Impressions