Melanie - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2

A story that impacted me this summer was the story of a pastor we met and served with named Wilbur. Pastor Wilbur’s faith really impacted me this summer and has increased my faith in the Lord. Pastor Wilbur shared with us a story of how he was persecuted in his community and arrested for a crime he did not commit. He was in prison for three months away from his wife and kids because of his beliefs. He was wrongfully accused of hurting someone who lied to police because they don’t like him being a Christian or pastor in his community. Despite the injustice, the circumstances, and the torture that he faced in prison, he ends sharing the story with a big smile saying, “God is good.” I was left with the question, “Do I know God in the same way Wilbur does?” I don't think I do, but I hope and pray one day I will.


Julian - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2


Rebecca - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2