Rebecca - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2

This lesson did not necessarily come from one individual, but from the many people I saw. One of the things that captivated my heart was the way people worshiped. I couldn't help but to always have a smile on my face when I could see and join in on worshiping. People worshiped with their all. I’ve mentioned it before but there’s so much more to it - you just know the Lord was being worshiped with all their mind, soul and body. More meaning came to that lesson from asking my friends, “Why do you worship the way you guys do?” Their response was bigger than just the worship itself, but it had to do with being grateful. The gratitude they felt for the Lord translated into the way they worshiped. This became a lesson on the embodiment of our devotion to God. Not letting the things around us limit our ‘worship’ and realize that it’s only through the sacrifice of emptying ourselves that we can embody Jesus.


Melanie - Update 8: Debrief Blog 2


Julian - Update 7: Debrief Blog 1