Word of God Redeemed Church Visit

By Quinn Ssemakula

Most of the cooperatives both American and African know of that time in 2009 when GOD International split from Redeemed Church. Now, there are many reasons why President Garner decided to lead our East African cooperatives out of the church. But the most profound and most significant reason is because a small portion of members of the church did not care about hearing the word of light that was being taught, their only concern was the money and resources they could extract from the “whites.”

Fast forward to Summer 2023, I got to witness the very phenomenal moment of reconciliation as Mr. Garner led us once more back to that church. I learned this summer that God works over the course of time. So it was wonderful to learn that over the course of a decade, God was working to restore broken relationships and bring back to himself people he’s loved and chosen.

The foundations of this entire ministry in Uganda have been laid by so many people like cooperatives, Pastor Tom, Mr. Garner, his friends, family, and so many more. But I am so glad that I got to participate in the legacy they’ve made with God. Even more, I’ve learned to find peace in the fact that it’s ok to build off of what someone else started. It’s such a huge blessing that me and my friends get to be entrusted with the responsibility of carrying on the work that God started with GOD East Africa in tandem with Word of God Redeemed Church.

Note: This is an intern reflection and not a full scope of the story from GOD International or its leaders. Quinn speaks as a student/intern from her experience.




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