SLAM Wknd Reflection

By Walt Reynolds

The SLAM youth conference has been my favorite part of being in Uganda so far. It only went from Thursday evening until Saturday, but God helped maximize our time so greatly. It was so special for many reasons, the biggest of which was the hearts of the youth to meet with God and receive from his Word. As soon as we began, their excitement for our time was extremely high, and it only increased with each of the routine Bible studies.

Energy during worship was through the roof, the youth couldn’t be more excited to praise God with their bodies and voices. It was humbling to see young people who were so hungry for God, and to see God bless them so abundantly as a result. The theme was “This is Who We Are” from 1 John 3:1-3. The sermons concerned identity in Christ as children who belong to the same father, regardless of how well they know him. It was emphasized that everyone is a child of God according to the creation of humankind in Genesis, but the world offers another course to walk on.

Each meal and small group meeting was fruitful because students were eager to engage the material. They also felt loved by the accommodations. The weekend was held at a guest house in Entebbe, one that had space for games, dancing, and high quality catering. We also visited the lake front of Lake Victoria where we got to play and teach new games like Cornhold, Can Jam, and choreographed a dance number, and soccer.

To end Friday night, we visited the Victoria Mall to watch a new movie; Indiana Jones. For the grand majority of youth, it was the first time they had ever visited the movie theater. One student told me he felt so loved by God to have such a blessed opportunity he wouldn’t have had otherwise. Students ended their time feeling loved, built up, special, and enlightened. I was touched to see young people with so few opportunities have the chance to enjoy themselves and hear God’s Word together, have the experience of freedom and education.

I know they were touched by the teaching they received. I watched God move in powerful ways. I watched young people light up with joy and have fun. I even saw them make decisions to follow Jesus in light of hearing the Word of God. I have faith not just for those who heard, but for how they will impact others. I have faith the time they spent will bring about more spiritual and social health in their lives and friendships. I have faith they have a better idea of who God is. I’m excited to see the fruit that the SLAM weekend will continue to bear.


Bible Studies


St Johns Primary