SLAM Weekend

By Brooke Vavold

Last weekend our team held a SLAM conference. The conference was for 18-25 year olds which was a nice surprise for me. I thought that the interns would just help facilitate a SLAM weekend for middle and high schoolers like we had done in the states. But instead, while we helped, we also got to participate in SLAM. It was a special time for me because I have never been to SLAM as a participant before.

It was a wonderful weekend, I got to meet so many new people. It was easy to play games and have conversations with brand new people. It was so special to me because I have never felt so connected to people my age. I never felt out of place and God’s peace was there through the whole weekend. The unity with each other was my favorite part. We didn’t have to come from the same place or even know each other before hand to worship and fellowship together.


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