SLAM Weekend

By Amelia Harrison

Part of each portion of our internship has included us getting to participate and help lead events for SLAM. Here in Uganda we got to spend 3 days with a SLAM retreat of 100 students, consisting of Bible studies, games, and even a night at the movies!

This whole weekend helped solidify some really valuable lessons about honoring and dignifying people. Mr. Garner shared a lot about the value of using our privilege to bless others while we were in our Nashville portion of the trip. Getting to enact what we’ve learned has been really amazing. SLAM gave us the opportunity to love and honor students from all over Uganda in a way many of them said they’ll never forget.

I was so thankful to see them relax, laugh, enjoy full plates of great food, and truly get to be a student of the Word of God for a weekend. We had phenomenal Bible teachings and really precious conversations on the other side. One of my favorite moments was getting to take them all to the movies - most of them for their first time. The joy and enthusiasm that filled the theater was electric. Though it’s something many of us are used to in the States, the opportunity to share it with others was an unmatched blessing.


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