River - Update 4: Embraced by God’s Love in East Africa

I feel so loved by the Lord this week! I feel very pushed, but in that pressing the Lord has met me! Some verses that I have been encouraged by are: Gal 6:8, James 5:13-15, James 1:2, Coloss 3:1-3, Gen 1:1-2, and many more! I can feel the confidence that comes with knowing that I am God’s workmanship. Through times of worship, talks with leaders, I feel more direction in the ways that God is calling me occupationally but I am giving it to the Lord so that I can fully participate in the time left on internship. Today is July 4 as I’m writing. I have been very blessed by the conversations and times of prayer this morning and I can’t wait to see how the Lord will continue to move throughout the rest of this day! This morning is also the stopping place of the week of prayer, bible study, worship, and service projects that we facilitated for the youth from all around Uganda! I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I do know that what we are doing is the Lord’s work. Love you friends and family, River West.


Victor - Lessons in Humility and Service


Kiah - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection