Kiah - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection

What was something the Lord taught me this week?

This week was so powerful. The Lord moved in many ways. I got to meet so many amazing people who have eyes that are hungry for God's word. Every single person I met at the SLAM conference was so beautiful. I loved getting to know the youth and their stories, serving together, learning the word, praying, praising and worshiping together.

Jesus was motivated by love to die on the cross, He's preparing people to sit at his right hand seat, but not just any people, those who are like the rich soil from Matthew 13. These people I met this week are God's people that we're empowering to realize who they are in God's Kingdom. Empowering to open their eyes and realize they can serve and work to be productive people.

This is not about me, this trip is for God's people like these SLAM students. I'm so filled with love to serve and continue to think of others and their interests above my own. I’ve been given much so I can give to others.


River - Update 4: Embraced by God’s Love in East Africa


Ty - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection