Maddie - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection

What is something God taught you this week?

There are a lot of directions I could go with this question because I have learned so much! One of the most impactful lessons was how beneficial, fruitful, and efficient the body of Christ is when it functions together.

When I first heard that the Summer Internship team would be modeling and mentoring the East Africa SLAM leaders through this first ever SLAM service week, I was quite nervous. I don’t like to think of myself as a leader. In fact, I most often avoid getting close to any such positions. But this week I was blessed to test my skills and abilities in organizing a portion of the SLAM camp, while being supported, encouraged, and educated by our SI team and SI leaders. As a team we really did function well. The testimonies from the youth and EA leaders today proved that! I learned so many things about SLAM, leading, teamwork, humility, sacrifice, love, and the Lord this week. It was amazing. And in the days following I am committed to implement the corrections and education I received. Praise God. I am thankful to have worked with the team I did.


Lydia - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection


Quinn - Update 4: EA SLAM Service Camp Reflection