Angel - Update 4: Reflections fro East Africa

Heading to Africa Monday evening, I didn’t really know how I was feeling but I wanted to just get here. In Uganda the first day, I was so thankful about me not feeling bad about being in an airplane for almost 3 days, I was so thankful.

When I got here after the first day, I starting feeling like why am I here and I was like God why am I feeling that way. I remember that after I prayed about it and I started feeling good and even I was able to testify to my African friends, and telling them about the priviledge that I had to be to the Institute and learn God’s Word. They were so moved and that was a lesson to me that sometimes I may feel that I am not doing anything but after realizing closely you found that you are doing even more than what you think. So I was reminded that God wants me to be a servant, even from Mr. Garner’s sermon I was moved by the whole process of preparation that Mr. Garner talked about.

After all when we got in Kabonge I did learn a lot even concerning resolving conflict it was great lesson to be reminded to be sensitive to the people to know when to joke and what to say in the moment.

After that Tuesday, Wednesday I got a deep understanidng of how God has a caring heart to know that was this reminder that felt like cold water to my heart. I am so thankful to be reminded that I have a burden of learning God’s Word and to be helpful for the next generation. I always pray that I will be there for the young generation.


Jenna - Update 5: Missions & the Bible


Gabby - Update 4: Leading with Intentionality: Insights from East Africa