Gabby - Update 4: Leading with Intentionality: Insights from East Africa

This week, I learned more about what is required as a leader. Leaders use their time serving those around them. They work hard, and they are constantly finding things to do to help the team. On Wednesday morning, I was given the opportunity to coordinate an assembly that lasted one hour for an entire primary school, and then coordinate 7 different teachers, translators, and SLAM participants that would split up into teams and go teach in all the different levels of the primary school. At first, I was very anxious and unsure if I could do it but through some prayer and direction from Mr. Garner, Mr. Peter, and Mr. Maurice, I was able to pick out the correct teachers, translators, and classes that could be taught. I learned through this experience just how much effort, collaboration, and intentionality even goes into planning something like a day of teaching at a primary school. I am so thankful for teachers who help guide me and I can’t wait to learn more. 


Angel - Update 4: Reflections fro East Africa


Victor - Lessons in Humility and Service