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Josh | Age: 19 |

What skills or gifts do you have to offer on this Internship? 

I am a good and efficient worker. I can both lead and follow. I always have an open mind and am always wanting learn.

How can people be praying for you? 

I could use prayer for my trust in God at all times. There are times where I will start to panic because I don't have a solution to x,y or z. I need to put my whole trust in him even when it's hard. I am doing better about it now, but I still can improve.

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What is your favorite Scripture, and why? 

Luke 10:2 And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. For my entire life up until a couple months before I moved here, I was a passive Christian. I did enough to get by, didn't invest in the Bible, and always went through the motions. It wasn't until one youth group that verse popped into my head. I had no idea what it said, I just heard God tell me the reference. This verse is the reason why I am here. There are so many passive Christians who read the word but don't act. I couldn't sit still and be a part of that demographic. The world needs our help. The world needs God. I refuse to sit still and let watch it fall.

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If you were a superhero what would your power be? 

Beating Dragonforce "Through the Fire and Flames" on the hardest mode in Guitar Hero.

Josh needs to raise $5,995 for the Summer Internship.



