Isaiah | Age: 18 | TN
What skills or gifts do you have to offer on this Internship?
I’m very outgoing and open in conversation about my faith.
How can people be praying for you?
I would like prayer for the opening of my eyes to the needs in the world and be able to see it more through God’s perspective. I would like prayer for discerning my role in meeting the needs of others as the Lord develops me. I want to be stress free. This trip is out of my budget and I’m doing all that I can to make as much money as I need.
What is your favorite Scripture, and why?
Phill 4:13. I love this verse because I’m a very determined guy and I like to beat all odds.
If you were a superhero what would your power be?
I want to fly.
Isaiah needs to raise $3,000 for the Summer Internship.