

Isaiah | Age: 21 | ND

What skills or gifts do you have to offer on this Internship? 

I am good with sports and exercise. I am a faithful person with the commitments that I make and am able to endure to accomplish them, I am a critical thinker.

How can people be praying for you? 

For the Lord to continue to open my eyes and see the world through his perspective. For the biblical education I have received so far to be further practiced and continue to grow, and for the Lord to show me the needs that we are trying to as a body meet and reveal how I am able to be apart of it.


What is your favorite Scripture, and why? 

One of my favorite scriptures is Genesis 32:22-32 (Jacob wrestling with God). It’s my favorite because it introduces us to the people of Israel and who they are supposed to be. They are to be people who strive and endure with God. It’s impactful and I’m brought back to this passage as I’m wrestling with life situations or am in a tough moment, that God’s people are those who endure with him.


If you were a superhero what would your power be? 

Being able to speak and understand all languages

Isaiah needs to raise $3,000 for the Summer Internship.



