Moriah - Update 3: Week 2 Blog

The Lord has revealed a lot regarding his presence being accessible anywhere and anytime. I found myself at a roadblock the beginning of this week, not knowing how to access his presence because I didn't “feel” like it was the right moment. I would say I most easily connect with God in worship but not every moment involves worship and yet we are told in Scripture to pray without ceasing. 

Prayer is a direct connection between an individual and the Lord and we are told to do this constantly without stopping. I am learning that there is never a wrong time to connect with God and that connection comes in many ways. 

This week I connected with God by: leading worship with my best friends, waking our group up in the morning with song and prayer, by learning how to create a hospitable environment that empowers people, by leading my own SLAM service project group, by saying yes to God and praying for one of my friends on Thursday night, laughing and engaging in precious conversations with Mel. There are so many ways I met with God this week outside of just worship and I stand on the other side of it reflecting on the immaculate ways God used every moment because I said yes. I am loving my summer so far and can't wait to continue walking this journey with my friends and the Lord.


Kiah - Update 3: SLAM Blog


Genesis - Update 3: Week 2 Blog