
Harley | Age: 20 | TN

What skills or gifts do you have to offer on this Internship? 

I am good with children and I am willing to learn.

How can people be praying for you? 

That I keep myself in a position of humility, being someone that’s willing to learn through my trip. Pray that I am present during my time on Internship. That through me being obedient to be a part of this trip, engaging in the Word, and engaging in the lessons I learn from leadership- I may experience the goodness of what God is doing on this trip! And that I hold on to the precious memories that are made on this trip for years to come.

What is your favorite Scripture, and why? 

My current favorite is Jeremiah 17:8. “They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.” Not only is it an important reminder to keep myself in the Word. But it reminds me of the peace the Word gives me when challenges come because my roots are being built on God’s Word. And as I keep myself in a practice of reading scripture, continuing my biblical education, and leaning on my friends (who are also seeking to be biblically literate people), I can really see the fruit of what God is doing in me and through me being part of of biblical community.

If you were a superhero what would your power be? 

What I would want it to be: Telepathy/Telekinesis

“Come on man, you can’t tell me Jean Grey wasn’t cool in the
X-Men tv show and movies.”

Harley needs to raise $2,000 for the Summer Internship.



