

Erin | Age: 20 | AR

What skills or gifts do you have to offer on this Internship? 

I am gifted in my ability to sing. I have been in worship bands at the Institute for a full year, now, so I have experience in doing background vocals for worship. I am also good at being organized, and I love doing little administrative tasks behind the scenes. I've been told that I am good with children, and I worked in childcare for most of my first school year at the Institute. I'm good about keeping up with things, and I have a good memory.

How can people be praying for you? 

People can be praying that I submit myself to the Lord and his guidance. I want to be humble and obedient this summer and really give the Lord room to do some wonderful things. I think the best way for that to happen is to make sure that I am letting God lead the way, but that is hard for me and I often don't like to “give up the reigns,” so to speak.


What is your favorite Scripture, and why? 

My favorite scripture is Deuteronomy 10:12-22. This passage is so powerful because it not only lays out God's expectations for his people, but it also describes the character of God. It's a solid reminder for me and I come to it often. It feels very easy to get caught up in my own expectations for myself and what I think I need to do to please God. This passage helps me to realize that those are usually not from God, and are instead my own will and my own understanding. This passage grounds me and turns me back to seeking out what God really wants from me.


If you were a superhero what would your power be? 

My power would be a kind of "Spider-sense" that tells me if the people around me are feeling off in some way.

Erin needs to raise $1645 for the Summer Internship.



