Get to Know River

Hello! My name is River Reichert, and I am raising support for funding a mission trip I'm on to Uganda this summer. It's been a dream of mine since I was very little to serve in other countries in this capacity, and I'm beyond excited that I get this opportunity now! I’ve always had a heart for children’s ministry, and for helping the vulnerable. As a junior high and high school student, I served many summers as a kidscamp councilor. As a full-time college student, one of my part time jobs is being a teacher's aide. I'll get to use the skills I'm developing and apply the Bible classes I'm taking and serve in a greater capacity than I ever have gotten to overseas! 

The trip will be here in just a few months -- so I need your help! I'm raising money to cover the costs and I'd love it if you would consider supporting me and donating so this dream of serving can become a reality - I know it'll be life changing! 

How can people be praying for you? 

I would love prayer for this time of preparation before the mission trip! That I would take every moment captive and work to develop the skills and endurance needed to make the most of this experience! 

What is your hope for this trip? 

My hope for this trip is for the Lord to give me further insight into my role as a part of the body of Christ. I hope for guidance in how to fully become the holistic and righteous person that the Lord is developing me into!

Favorite Bible Verse

2 Timothy 1:7 - “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but rather a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and a sound mind.”

Fun Fact

The first Zelda game I ever played and beat was the original on the NES!

I feel incredibly blessed to finally have this opportunity to do this and I know with the Lord's help and with such wonderful friends and family - the community of God - this trip can happen. 

Anything you can give would be a huge blessing! Thank you for both donating and praying! 


River West


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