Get to Know Kiah

Get to Know Me...

  • Favorite Verse: John 15:5 John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."

  • Fun fact: I am the oldest of 6 children

  • Boring Fact: I like to crochet. Yes, like a grandma.

  • I enjoy dancing!

How Can People Count on Me During This Trip:

People can count on me to be a creative mind ready to help solve problems. I am a team player and I can fill out a needed role, but I can also take the lead when needed.

How can you pray?

You can be praying that I can be obedient to God’s voice and use my skills to benefit others. I want to walk away with lessons that I can hold onto moving forward in my life.

Sooo Summer Internship...

     This summer I get the incredible opportunity to go on a local and international mission trip with the college I’ll be attending this fall! Summer Internship is a five week long experience where I’ll be learning first hand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We go from Nashville to a nearby town called Morristown, then to Uganda, Africa. This trip has been successfully led by G.O.D. International for over 20 years.         

         I have dreamed and prayed about this trip for years. I’ve grown up listening to stories from my parents, aunts and uncles about going on this life changing trip and to think I can now go on it is crazy. The Lord reassured me that he is with me through every step, so everything will go according to his plan. I feel the Lord is calling me to be a light and give to others what I’ve been so freely given my whole life. This is it! It's finally my time to continue the legacy from my parents' obedience to God. I can't wait to serve and love with everything I am and all God has blessed me with!

        This trip is an amazing opportunity to serve, to learn to be a disciple of God and practice following the cloud, ready to obey God at every given moment. This trip is not only such a great opportunity for me to learn and serve but it’s historical. I get to be the first of the second generation in my family to go on this trip after my parents did at my age. G.O.D International has been doing this trip for over 20 successful years, impacting lives all over the world, and I can't wait to be apart of that.

      When you give to the Lord, the return is always more than we can imagine. I'm blessed to give my time this summer, and blessed to receive your monetary donation. When you give, not only will you support me in my travels and necessities, you will also be helping a student or family in need that I'll be serving around the world. Together, our giving will make a lasting impact! So I faithfully ask for you to prayerfully consider supporting me on this trip this summer. Your prayers are deeply needed as we take this step of faith. Thank you for your care and consideration!


Get to Know River


Get to Know Merci