Luciana - Update 2: Morristown Blog

Morristown conference was such an amazing and impactful time and I was so blessed to be a part of it. We made presentations teaching about how to do the 7 different aspects of the Church Community for G.O.D. We presented that to them so that they could implement them as our sister church.

The most impactful moment was the testimonies of the Morristown trip representatives. They had previously experienced a lot of tragedy in their personal lives and in their community. But still they testified of experiencing so much new hope even through grief and hardship.

Pastor Efrain’s testimony was especially touching to me. He talked about how much it means to be given a hug when experiencing immense pain. It is very impactful and not having the words to say to someone is okay. It reminded me of the importance of suffering with someone in order to show compassion. Something that can be very hard for me to do. But now I feel convicted to deny myself and show good and loving compassion.


Rebecca - Update 3: SLAM Blog


Angel - Update 2: Morristown Blog