Rebecca - Update 3: SLAM Blog

SLAM this week has concluded!! We were able to finish off the week with some powerful testimonies - wow! This week was such a joy for me. I was able to learn more about SLAM and all the work that goes into it. Not only that, I was given the chance to work alongside leaders I deeply admire. I got to find so much joy in serving. I was able to see my friends step up to the plate and kill it. And I got to see God move in so many lives. The Lord's goodness never fails to amaze me. 

Gosh, this week taught me a lot and the Lord just spoke to me in so many ways. First, through service projects - there’s nothing like dying to ourselves to serve others. I was so blessed to give of myself to serve this week, and you could hear the impact service makes through all the testimonies given. Service has been something that was instilled in me at a young age, and I'm so thankful for my parents having taught me the importance of it. Now I can serve with such a joyful heart and find so much freedom in it. 

Secondly, I learned so much through the theme of Rek’nize. Mr. Garner spoke such a powerful message each session, that would add to all of what the Lord has been doing in me and in all of us. It’s so important to recognize who we are in Christ so that we can know and live out his will. I believe a lot of us have been solidifying our identities in him and it he was seen through the ways we served and lived our lives. 

Since our retreat in Morristown I felt my confidence being built on knowing my identity. Really recognizing that I'm here because of him, I’m able because of him. I'm renewed because of him, and I'm making an impact because of him. I've really been feeling that confidence towards my team as well - there's no one better in doing all the things we're doing right now than us. Not because of our abilities, skill, talents, etc. But because we've been called to Christ and we, by obedience, have said yes to him. We know what he's commanded us to do and we want to obey him. Recognizing who we are in Christ is crucial to doing his will, in being the children this earth cries out for, and in changing it. So why wouldn't we want to draw closer to him?


Justice - Update 3: Week 2 Blog


Luciana - Update 2: Morristown Blog