Moriah - Update 2: Morristown Blog

Being able to bring beauty into chaotic moments comes from knowing God’s Word and being able to usher in His Spirit, filling the room/space and the people who occupy it. God is teaching me that chaos and darkness can be transformed into life and beauty. Our Morristown retreat reminded me of this truth and the truth that God is faithful.

Waking up in prayer was impactful to the way I walked through each day and helped me to approach each moment of worship, Bible study, and service opportunity in faith. The Lord challenged me over Morristown to be intentional with my speech and that I needed to better recognize the power of my words. Coming out of this trip I am taking these lessons with me into the rest of my trip.


Kiah - Update 2: Morristown Blog


Ethan - Update 2: Morristown Blog