Ndere Cultural Center

On our way back from Kampala we stopped at the Ndere cultural center. We got to watch professional performers play songs and do traditional dances from many different Ugandan tribes. The performances were amazing and it was such a wonderful night for our team. We got to learn so much about Uganda and its cultural history.

The most impactful thing about Ndere for me was the preservation of traditional Ugandan arts. Arts provide a place for people to communicate their stories, express their emotions, and find unity in a team. It was beautiful to witness the ways that Ugandan tribes have been engaging creativity and performance for generations.

It made me think about the kind of unity that can exist in communities because of the arts. People can communicate through the arts in a way that transcends language and cultural barriers. It gave me hope for the kind of benefit the arts can produce even around our HQ in Uganda.


Kampala Church Visit


Ndere Cultural Center