Lessons on Hospitality

by Christen Jones

Christen Jones listens to meal host, Rosemary Sherrod

Journal Prompt

“What have you learned about the value of hospitality from being in people’s homes this week?”

My Thoughts

I have really learned to listen, both to my leaders and my hosts. There is something so awesome about someone who doesn’t really know you, inviting you into their home and serving you like you are their family. 

Our leaders have really been great about teaching us things to do and not to do when going into someone else’s home. Their stories and their wisdom is so helpful because things that I would not have thought would matter actually matter in some situations. Something like stepping over someone’s legs when they are sitting on the ground [in some cultures around the world] can be the same as communicating ‘you are dead to me’, but here [in the United States] we do it all the time and don’t really think about it much. 

It’s awesome the things that other cultures see and value as important. I hope we continue to learn more about other cultures and what they see that is different from what we see. I am so grateful for the people who have already invited us into their homes and also the ones that will in the future. 

I pray that I can be a good guest and serve in whatever way I can but also humble myself to be served and let the hosts know that their kindest and generosity are so very much appreciated. 


Lessons on Hospitality


Blessed by Hospitality