Angel - Update 1: Lessons from Day 1

Here are some takeaways from my first day of Summer Internship:

  1. Pay attention to the details and look for direction. 

  2. When you are waiting for what’s next, It's important to be active and not passive. 

  3. In a group setting, it is important to know who is good at what and who can make things better by their giftings.

  4. There shouldn't be jealousy among us. We are all the body of Christ and we are all learning together.

  5. Keep up positivity.

  6. It is good to speak up and not be ashamed of what people may think. It's better to ask.

  7. We are in this together.


Maddie - Update 1: My Hopes for This Summer 


Melanie - Update 1: Hopes & Lessons Day 1