Morristown Mission

Journal Prompt

What is a moment you want to remember from your trip to Morristown?

My Thoughts

I want to remember the Sunday service we had at La Casa de Oracion in Morristown. The service began with a time of worship that was incredibly powerful and moving for all of us. I was touched by God's ability to move so powerfully amidst people who spoke different languages and even opened my ears to hear his voice while worshiping in Spanish. The spirit of God really touched each person in that room while worshiping, and it reminded me of the story in Acts 2, where in a similar way, God’s spirit rested on the early church and spoke to each in a language that they could understand and relate to. This time of worship really brought that passage to life for me as I saw God speak to all of my longtime friends, and new friends from Morristown in the languages they could understand, but also in the ways that God knew they needed. After the service, we were blessed to gather together for lunch at a local park and eat some of the best Mexican food. It was while eating in fellowship together that I was blessed to hear the testimonies of each of my friends sharing the work that God did in their hearts during that time of worship. We talked about our hopes to continue cultivating more moments together for us to come to the Lord in worship and experience his presence on a deep level. It was such a blessing to be able to serve the Lord and come before him with our brothers and sisters in Morristown. We were touched by their hospitality and most of all their faith.


Morristown Mission


Vlog #1