SLAM Week Impact

Journal Prompt

SLAM Nashville week: What did you learn? How were you challenged? What will you take away from this experience?

My Thoughts

Nashville SLAM week was so special in so many ways. From leading service projects, to games and fellowship with the youth, to prayer worship and bible studies, to late late night discussions and games…we really pressed in to know the Lord every day, and every minute; and God showed up for all of us in powerful ways. It is inspiring to see hundreds of young people commit a week to the Lord, and do so sacrificially. The results of that kind of devotion were evident tonight as several youth gave moving testimonies about God's redemptive work in their lives and hearts, and in their friendships. I was overwhelmed by the sustaining power of God’s presence this week. When I was physically exhausted from serving in the capacities I was responsible for, I relied on God for strength and he responded, as he did for all the interns and leaders who helped make this week happen. I am thankful for the faithfulness of God tonight as I write this. I remember my first SLAM week distinctly. At 13 years old, God spoke to me during my SLAM experience, and transformed my mind and heart in ways that still impact me today. It was extremely special for me to participate in the program as an assistant youth leader this year, and to witness the same transformative work of the spirit take place as it did for me years ago. I am deeply encouraged tonight as I reflect, and I am excited to see the ways in which this learning experience prepares me for more work and ministry abroad this summer!


SLAM Week Impact


SLAM Week Impact