First Impressions

Journal Prompt

How was your first day? What stood out to you?

My Thoughts

My first day of Summer Internship has been so good. I already feel the growing pains of God working on my heart and moving in me as I learned invaluable lessons today. This boot camp week definitely kicked off with some hard lessons that tested my flesh, but it was through demonstrating endurance according to the spirit today, that even now, just 24 hours later, I feel closer to God, and have submitted/aligned more of my agenda/will with his. One of the things that stood out to me today was the emphasis on being flexible and fluid as a minister for God, as challenges and unforeseen obstacles always emerge. This also necessitates the unity and spiritual adeptness of the team, which we discussed after a long and hard soccer game - which we lost. Overall I am very motivated and excited for what's to come after a very full first day! God has so much in store for us, and for those we will serve this summer, and I am so blessed to be a part of it!


First Impressions


First Impressions