First Impressions

Journal Prompt

How was your first day? What stood out to you?

My Thoughts

My first day was incredible. It was a day jam-packed with so many activities. One of the main things that stood out to me the most was the worship times we had facilitated for us throughout the day. We had two worship times, but the first one we had really deeply impacted me. At the beginning of the time, Mr. Garner told us to get into groups of 3 or 4 and pray for the person sitting on our right. But, he also gave a specific instruction that stuck with me. He said to “pray for the person as you would want someone to pray for you.” When he said this, it made me realize how I should be thinking and approaching praying for my friends. Not just as something to quickly get done with and move on, or just saying whatever I can think of at the moment. But, his direction for us really motivated me to be more aware of my prayers for other people. I want to start approaching them as times that can be extremely special, sincere, and even a time of healing and restoration for the people that I am praying with and for.


First Impressions


First Impressions