The Spiritual Significance of Self Control

by Walt Reynolds

Walt listens intently during a story time with members of G.O.D.

Journal Prompt

“What is one major lesson or thing that God is teaching you so far this week? How have you found yourself tested, and what has your response been like? Can you connect that to the Bible Studies we’ve been having?”

My Thoughts

A major lesson that I’ve been learning the past two days is the spiritual significance of self control. In moving from fast-paced times of service to contemplative bible studies to emotional worship times, it can be mentally difficult for me. I’m gaining a mental fortitude that is being built in me. To have self control is to take my thoughts captive when they aren’t from the Lord, be fully present in moments, and build mental fortitude that allows me to keep a steadfast mindset no matter what activity I am engaged in. 


Lessons & Tests


Leaning on God